Chemi Fiber developed Polypropylene Fiber to meet the increasing demand of high quality crack free concrete. CHEMI FIBER polypropylene fiber (short-cut strands of very fine diameter monofilament*) is added to the concrete during batching.
Chemi Foam is a clear light yellow free flowing liquid formulated to create foam when introduced into mortar or concrete mixtures to produce light - weight or foamed concrete.
Chemplast 31R is a modified lignin-based admixture for effecting controlled retardation in setting of concrete as well as a water reducing agent for enhanced strength at all ages.
Chemplast 310 RSP is a water reducing, highly effective super plasticizer with a set retarding effect for concrete in the area where required delays in concrete setting time. It has also high range water reducing for promoting high early and ultimate strengths of concrete.
Chemplast NS is highly concentrated and low-alkali, sodium naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde. It has good dispersing performance to cement particles.
Chemproof CWP is an integral waterproofing admixture in liquid form, effectively repels the moisture to enter into the concrete, can be directly added to concrete while batching in plant of small batch mixers.
Chemproof CWP is an integral waterproofing admixture in powder form, effectively repels the moisture to enter into the concrete, can be directly added to concrete while batching in plant of small batch mixers.
Chemseal 30 is a waterproofing concrete admixture that reacts with moisture into the concrete and forms crystal fiber into the pores and capillary gaps of concrete to provide permanent water impermeability, resists the florescence, and saltation in highly saline soils hence it is ideal the marine environment.